Monday, January 09, 2006


Here are a few pix of Tom at the Shepherd Center.

The top one is him on the physical therapy mat doing arm exercises. His right arm is weaker and tends to fall down, so they put a blow-up plastic sleeve on it to help him hold it up.

The second photo is Tom in his wheelchair. This was one of the very first times that he was in his he looks a lot better. He's having to wear the cervical collar on his neck for 5 or so weeks, because of the 2 neck surgeries. That's me with him, of course.

Photo 3 is showing the overhead lift that they use to get patients from bed to wheelchair, into shower chair, exercise mats and even into the pool.


At 4:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aunt Michele and Uncle Tom,
I love seeing the pictures, especially since I can't see you in person! Keep up the good work, Uncle Tom! Well, I guess Aunt Michele is working, too! We love you and will continue to pray for you and your family.
Love, Debbie & Family

At 8:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michele and Tom

May God comfort and strengthen you.

You both are in my daily prayers.

Philip McMullin

At 8:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle,

My name is Peggy Escarra and I am Rick Escarra's (Chairman of Southern Charm Bridal) wife. We were so sorry to hear about Tom's accident. We were attending my father's funeral in FL on that day and were not in town. Rick and I keep up with Tom's progress on the website and are keeping you all in our prayers. If there is anything we can do, please let us know.

Rick & Peggy Escarra

At 11:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too have been keeping up with Tom's progress from the site. I volunteer at the Fox along with a couple of friends and my boyfriend. You probably don't remember me but it doesn't matter--as so many have said before--we are all family there.

Keep up the great work and keep that smile on your face. It may get hard many times and it's okay to get discouraged at times. Just don't ever give up. You have a great support team with your friends and family both at Shepard and away. You are doing a terrific job with recovery. You can do this!

Courtney La Croix

At 2:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michelle and Tom

My name is Connie "Granny" Hawkins. I am a friend of Margarets and live here in Dallas GA. I have been keeping up with Tom through Maggie.(Our name for her)
Just wanted you to know that all the people Margaret knows on SplitCoastStampers are thinking about you and keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.

At 9:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Aunt Michele and Uncle Tom,

I am glad that you posted the pictures for us to see and that you have been keeping us up to date on Uncle Tom's condition. You all look to be in good spirits and appear to be strong in this situation. I admire you for being so strong during this time. I will continue to pray for healing and strength and also peace during these trials. Even though we don't know your roommate David, please tell him that we are also praying for him. It is amazing how far technology has come and how independant a person injured like this can actually be. I just wanted you to know that we are thinking about you each day and continue to pray for your family.
Love, Robbye, Dewayne, Rebecca and Christopher.

At 1:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The blog sight has been great. We've been able to keep up with Tom's progress and know more specifically how to pray. The pictures are great too. It is great to see a smile on Tom's face. I know he must get down though. He has an incredible ability to face challenges so I know he can face this one! We pray for you guys all the time and hope to get up there to visit soon.

Walter and Rachel Ivey

At 8:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom and Michele, Jessica and Joanna...
We have thought of you often, prayed for you frequently, talked about you to others who know and love you, and finally, now I am posting a note online to you. The pictures are wonderful to see. We are praying for God to be so real to you all during this difficult time, and for His peace to be like a river in your lives.
Our (your former) 242 group is praying for you. Many remember you, all are touched by what you are going through. At our New Year's Eve party, many went online and read your blog site. You were missed. We prayed for you as we ushered in the New Year, also.
We love you all.
In Him,
Phyllis Avrit
for Carl, Jonathan, Andrew and Katie too

At 11:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Tom & Michelle & family,
You have been in my prayers these past weeks, friends, and those of my family. Please let David know that we pray for him, too. I am so thankful for the care and technology available to you, and for the abounding love that obviously surrounds you! Your strength and spirit shine through in the photographs, which do my heart good. Thank you so much for taking the time to keep us updated and in touch. I continue to pray and send my love, and look forward to seeing you on my next visit to Atlanta!
God be with you,
Andrea Herrick

At 3:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi guys- I have been trying to make a comment for a long time but I write and write and do not send it correctly so you are not getting it. Sorry. Hope this goes through. We are praying for you and loving you guys. Tom looks so great and seems to be doing a great job with rehab. Having had rehab clients of mine at Shephard- I know you are in a great place! Psalm 27 is my life passage. God be with you all. You are so loved! Kip,Mary, Joy, and Chris


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