Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Conference with the Doctor

We had a medical conference with Tom's doctor yesterday, where he explained in detail the extent of Tom's injuries and his prognosis for recovery.

This is the first time we've heard "broken neck" and we actually thought that he hadn't broken his neck. But that's what this doc said.

His injury to the spinal cord was at C-6, which is the 6th vertibrae down from the head. At this level of injury, the arms are operational, but everything below that is not. He can raise and bend his wrists, and that is the hallmark of the C-6 level. If the injury were at C-7, he would be able to use his fingers and make a fist, which he currently cannot do.

The rest of him, abdominal muscles, legs, bladder, bowel, skin (feeling and temperature control), all are not functional.

The doc said that in 80% of cases like this, the patient moves up one level with time and therapy. That means since he's at the C-6 level, he could progress to the C-7 level, which would be to be able to use his hands and fingers more. That would be very welcomed. The body only usually moves up one level, which means that in order to walk, he would have to move up many levels, and that's not usually the way it works. In other words, it's highly unlikely that he will ever walk again. Although the doc left room for "divine intervention," which sometimes happens......and zillions of you are praying for.

The muscles need to get a nerve signal or spark in order to operate and if they don't get that from the spinal cord, they will not work or continue to grow.....even if he were artificially exercised. So it's not that he can just work super-hard and he will regain function. Doesn't work that way.

So, here at the Shepherd Center, they anazlye where the person is and help them learn to function at home and work, etc. at what ever level they are at.

Tom will be able to go to work and will use an electric wheelchair. He will be trained on voice activated computer software, that will allow him to do everything on a computer that he does now.

The things they have here are exciting and they really care about their patients. They will design a program for the specific needs of each person. We're very blessed to be here.

He had a few bad days with digestive problems and such, then a good day today. Tonight he's coughing again more than in the past few days. We just can't seem to get his lungs clear. I don't want to leave until he's peacefully down for the night. You've heard of taking one day at a time......we take it more like one hour at a time....

David is having setbacks each day and then a little step forward. It's rough watching him go thru this....


At 10:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom and Michele,
You all are truly in our prayers. I am very glad Becky sent out your blog information so we can respond because I are with him all of the time and not at home to get mail.
As you said...each hour...
Know that we DAR stick together and if there is anything that I can do for you and your family then Please...Please give me a call.
I do believe in the power of prayer. We pray for all of the doctors and nurses who are working with Tom. For you to have daily renewed inner strength to help Tom and for Tom to patiently grow better with each day.
In DAR love,
Barbara Dayhuff

At 10:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michelle and Tom,
I do believe that God has a plan for everything, we sometimes don't know how or why things happen, but when we look back on our life we realize that if certain bad things hadn't happened then certain good things would have never came into the picture. I know that you probably wonder what good can come out of this? I have no idea, but keep a positive attitude! God is always in control! He will see you through this. I will continue to pray for the both of you and your children. In Christian love, Ruby Nell

At 9:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Tom & Michelle,
I've been praying for you and the ordeal you're enduring. Have patience...God still is in the miracle business, and we're praying for just that. Even if the miracle doesn't come just the way we want it, God knows what he's doing. This blog site is such a great idea. I'll check it often. Know that you're all loved and wished the very best. Consider yourselves hugged. Blessings to you! Penny Rothrock


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