Thursday, January 05, 2006

All Your Comments, Cards and Calls

I have to tell all of you who have commented on the blog and sent cards and sent money and called that we are very overwhelmed by all the outpouring of love and support. It's amazing to get cards from all over the country from people we don't even know, and also fun to hear from friends we've lost touch with.

Please know that we appreciate your support and love and prayers.

As I told a friend earlier, we "feel the love!"

Michele & Tom


At 10:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Aunt Michelle & Uncle Tom,

Just wanted you all to know we are keeping up with everything thru all the emails & my mom & this blog is great. I admire your strength & courage as you all face each day. We will continue to pray for you both.

Take care - Love Tammy, Jennifer & Erica Schmalenberger

At 1:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you all realize how special your whole family has become to me over the years at The Fox. Your courage and strength through these days have truly been a blessing. God spared Tom's life for a reason. I am looking forward to watching His plan for all of you unveil over the days, weeks and years ahead. Love you all. See you soon. Abbe

At 2:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Aunt Michele & Uncle Tom,
I just want you to know how much I appreciate being able to read the blog and follow Uncle Tom's progress. We have been praying for you everyday and will continue to do so. You are an inspiration and great example of strength in such a trying time. Love to all of you, Lisa & Family

At 4:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Tom and Michele:

Be prepared for more cards from "Maggie's" friends. Some others have requested your address. I know that the doctors there will do all they can to help Tom and you to progress as far as he can. We look to Heavenly Father for help after that. I continue to pray for your comfort and strength through this trying time. My love to you. Marge

At 6:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Tom; Janice and I have worked for years with you at the Fox, and always enjoyed those times. You must remember that you and your family will be in our prayers every day. We pray for a speedy recovery. God Bless you and all the help working with you. Our Love and prayers. Lee and Janice

At 9:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are and will be keeping you in our prayers as you all face new challenges each day! God bless you with strength and peace, and comfort you when you are in need!

Nancy (Cox) and Pat, Sarah & Hannah, PJ, Grace, Nick and Betsy Arey in NJ

At 6:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Uncle Tom and Aunt Michele,
I just wanted you to know that we think of you often and that there is a constant prayer in our hearts for all of you. I'm sorry that we can not be there in person to visit, to help, but please know that we love you. It is great news that Unlce Tom will be able to continue working with the use of an electric wheelchair and all the new technology with computers!
Love, Debbie & Family

At 2:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom & Michele,
I just read the bog, know you are taking it hour by hour in the course of therapy. With the wonderful therapy, computers, and other technology, you just don't know how far you can go in your recovery. I had a man who I worked with, his wife drove him in every day, he also broke his neck, but his case was falling down stairs, he used a mouth device to tell his computer what he wanted done, so I have seen first hand how someone can return to the work force and do an excellent job. I think Bob was just about your age too. Keep positive thoughts as you go through the day moving toward a new future.

Your cousin,

At 12:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Tom & Michele,
I don't think I've met Michele yet, but I've ushered upstairs at with Tom at Fox Theatre.
You all are so fortunate to have such a great source of energy -- from all of the support, love & concern from so many people -- that you can draw from as you work on your recovery. Mixed with your droll humor & constant smile, you just may be one of those miraculous stories that we'll read/hear about in the know, the ones where the person's attitude, mind & support beat medical probabilities.
I look forward to seeing you & your bow tie again at the Fox.
Best wishes & regards,
Sandy Pon

At 10:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Tom and Michele,

I finally got on this blog site.
This is cool. We are so glad to be able to "see" how things going and know more of the progress.
Tom me and the boys are so sad to hear of your accident. We have prayed for you and take better care in driving, to be sure. We are all such amazing miracles.
God has His purposes, praying you are knowing His presence.
Keep going...there are more miracles ahead.
Please call us for anything you could use help with.
Love you guys,
Janet, Steven, Jake and Jesse


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