Monday, January 02, 2006

Counting our blessings for the new year

I have to admit that if someone else said Happy New Year to me, I was going to tell them "You mean 'Crappy New Year!' "
But God has showed us in an unusual way that we are blessed......

Tom has a semi-private room and someone was moved into the other bed yesterday. This man is David, a policeman from Boston. A lady ran a red light and ended up in front of him and he crashed into her car. It barely dented the car. But it must have snapped his neck, because he is totally paralyzed from the head down. He can't even hold his head up. Can't move anything except his face, he can't even talk!! He can barely utter strange sounds sort of like whispers. They put in a pacemaker to keep his heart going, and he is breathing with a ventilator machine. It's so sad. His wife stays here like I do during the day, but she leaves in the evenings. Tonight he started making strange noises and when I looked behind the curtains to see him, there was a towel that had fallen down over his face, and he couldn't breath and he couldn't use his puffer/mouth thing to signal a nurse. I got the towel off him and called the nurse. It was just frightening.

I told him that I will be here every night til midnight to tend to my husband and I will be checking on him as well. Two times he made sounds for me when he was in distress. It's just hard to believe that someone in his condition is here by himself. He says I'm an "angel."

So I can't help believe that God has placed us in this position to be of service to this man, and it sure makes Tom's condition seem sooo much better.

Here's to many blessings in the new year.......



At 9:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michele, you were an angel long before David came into your world.

At 2:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

God always has a plan for us, whether we see it immediately, it just proves he wanted you to be there to be a physical guardian angle for David.

At 2:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom & Michele
Just got the Bog info from Marge, wanted to say stay strong, it's amazing what kind of therapy is out there for you and how much you will be able to do as each day passes. Your name has been added to a recovery prayer listing, we know God is the only one who knows what he has planned for each of our lives. I know you will have a rough ride in the days and weeks ahead, but he will give you the strength to make it through.

At 9:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Jodie....
Michele and TC,
We feel blessed to have spent part of our New Year's day with you. both of you are a blessing so full of smiles under such tough circumstances.
We have put you on multiple prayer chains and know that God performs miracles every day. We are praying for one for you.
Please let us know what we can do to help. Living so close to the hospital makes it easy for us to pop in and do whatever you need. Don will be stopping by one night this week.
Much love, Jodie

At 9:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

January 2, 2006
Hi Tom and Michele & family
I guess I left my message in the wrong spot! This is my first experience with the blog. You guys did a great job setting this up.
I am an old neighbor of the entire Cox family. Tom may remember me from his home at 613 N. Morton Ave. I am Jane (Broughton) Rosen and I lived at 607 N. Morton. My younger sister is Mary Anne and we both want to wish you well at this difficult time. I always say that Pat is my "Oldest friend" not in terms of age (I'm older) but in length of friendship.
It sounds like you are in the right place right now. Thank goodness for places like Shepherd Center.
Ii'll keep up with your progress and get in touch again later.
Jane Broughton Rosen

At 10:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just wish to say, on behalf of the USS Intrepid Former Crewmember Association Board of Directors, and our National Membership, I hope, wish and pray for the best for improvement on Tom's condition.

John Simonetti, Past President, USS Intrepid FCM Association
Good Friend and fellow shipmate of Frank Schroner and his wife Pat (Tom's sister).

At 8:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle and Tom, It's Gena Kay. I'm a friend of Jodie's and met you at Jodie and Don's house. I just wanted you to know that you are both in my prayers. I pray that God gives you strength and hope to endure this difficult time. And I pray for Tom's recovery.

At 10:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom and Michele (and girls) - I'm amazed and inspired by how strong and how positive you are. You are an encouragement to all of us. Suzy and I, along with our extended family and network are praying for you... and like you are believing for a miracle (in addition to the miracles that have already taken place):-) We love you and you are in our thoughts and prayers constantly. Stay strong and keep fighting, Tom. Stay strong and keep fighting, Michele.
All our love - Jeff & Suzy

At 10:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am also a Fox Usher
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I am so glad you made it out of Grady and to Shepherd. They are wonderful there. Stay strong.

At 11:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Tom & Michelle,
This is Joe Martin at the Bible College. Many have you in their prayers. It was good to see you and Anthony's party and now this.
A student had a message the other day, "Life is Hard, but God is Gracious". Our prayers are with you.

At 12:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michele & Tom, in the 'empty' hours of the night there you both are, together, and yet extending your arms to engulf another. So special you and your family are to us, and so many more. So many trials we face, somehow you give the trials such dignity such depth, and you remain forever perssistant. I keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. I wish for you new year to be filled with strength that renews all your functions and many beating hearts that surround your sucess!
Pat Prill

At 12:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Tom & Michelle, My name is Adrienne Rowe, I am an usher down at the Fox. God works in mysterious ways, know that he is definitely in control. By all means stay encourage which I hear that in your emails. My mind always falls back on Ecclesiastes chapter 3...To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

My prayers are with you Tom and family.

May you have a wonderful and Blessed New Year!

God Bless You!

At 1:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom and Family,

As an usher at the Fox you helped a lot of people find their way. Now, even when you should be concentrating on getting well you and your family have found a way to still help others find their way...
My thoughts and prayers are with you, David, and everyone else at the Sheperd Center.
Keep up your spirits and know we all are wishing you the BEST !!

Gail Rodencal
staff ,Fox Theatre

At 5:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, Michele, Jessica, Joanna,

When I first heard the news about Tom, I was heartbroken. Then after I saw how you all have been handling this situation, taking care of Tom (and David), this is a lesson of love that we can all learn from. For those that do not know me - I'm one of Michele's younger brothers. I have cerebral palsy. When I was a young child, there were many every day tasks that we all take for granted that I could not do like being able to get dressed. Michele always helped our mother and father by helping to do those things for me that I couldn't do on my own. Some things I remember and some things not. Michele,
the point is that you are a very caring and loving person and it is wonderful how you (and the girls) are there for Tom in his time of need. It is very inspiring to see that. My family and friends are praying for you all that God would grant Tom a complete recovery. God can do all things. I'm glad that you've been able to shine your light in this period of darkness.

God bless!!

Bryan Molnar

At 9:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi...just a note to thank u for keeping us updated on Tom's situation. U are all in our thoughts and prayers. Jessica will probably be going back to DC'll really miss her. We know you're a good nurse, Michelle. We love u all.

At 11:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brenda and Gary Welden want you to know if we can do anything let us know. Our son Matthew lives near there and will do anything you need. Ya'll are in our prayers.
404 317 5504

At 11:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, Michele & Girls, hi it’s Mark, thank you for setting up the Blog, although I suspect this is the handiwork of Jessica, it’s a great way to be kept up to date.

There are no words to truly express my sorrow and concern for all of you. As others have noted, your positive attitudes are so inspiring, I pray that each of you never lose hope, for the Lord’s love and Mercy is far greater than we can ever imagine. Often it is in the midst of our darkest trials that His light shines the brightest! Please know that many, many people are praying for each of you.

If there is anything I can do to help any of you, please let me know.

Mark, Nick & Beth

At 4:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi - My daughter, Lauren Peterson, is in your daughter's small group, and I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for all of you here in Myrtle Beach and my small group from my church will be praying for you.
This is a favorite verse of mine:

Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you whereever you go.

Claire Adare
Myrtle Beach, SC

At 11:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


You were an Angel to me long before this (and we've never even met in person). I'm so glad you were there to help this man and Tom.

It's hard to imagine why "bad things happen to good people," But maybe, as you are learning, God is using you and Tom to help others.

And I'm sure he has someone around to help you, too. Keep your hearts and your minds open to it, so you don't miss them.

You are all so brave and I'm proud of your strength. I get depressed on the drop of a dime and you have always had the right words to help me. If there is anything I can do, please let me know.

Still praying,
Kelly Galindo
Hilliard, OH


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