Friday, January 27, 2006

More Photos

These photos keep posting out of order.......
Going down the exit ramp--very steep, very narrow, a little daunting but he did great!

Tom and Me inside the lobby of the museum. He was cold, so he's got his jacket and a blanket hanging over the support strap he wears around his chest.

Tom and Michael in hall.

Tom going up the ramp to the High Museum entrance. There were others on the trip but Tom went first.
[We weren't allowed to use photography inside the museum exhibits.]


At 6:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was really good to see the actual photos of y'all out & about. (And that ramp did look very steep!) I'm very glad for the progress for both you. I haven't been by b/c of my own health issues flaring up, as Tom knows about. But know my thoughts & prayers are with you. xo Renelle

At 3:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too am glad that you are able to get out. I am still available to help so let me know. I am praying for you and have you on our prayer list at church.


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