Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Short Update

Just a short update....

Tom has been moved once again to a different room. For those going to visit him, or for sending cards, he is in Room #200-B. No more semi-private room with a view....he's not near a window and he's in with 3 other guys right now, with a 4th empty bed next to him which could be occupied at any time. Apparently they needed to put 2 females somewhere so they moved him and Michael out.

He still has lots of pain in his arms and hands. This is prohibiting him from progressing as much as they had hoped, because there are so many things that he needs his arms to do, and it's painful and he doesn't have the total muscle strength that he would normally have. It's frustrating and depressing to watch him try so hard to perform the slightest task that would usually be so easy to do.

They've given him a release date of February 28. We have a lot to figure out by then--we're currently figuring out what kind of chair will he use (he's got several options with several pros and cons) and what he will do about showering. Some people in his condition can sit on a board a slide themselves from the chair into the tub with a special chair. He is just not able to do this kind of weight transfer yet....maybe when the arms strengthen, or with a portable lift. We are wanting to sell our house, so we don't want to install a ride-in shower into what will be the powder room for whoever buys the house, so the bathing issue is one we need to figure out. Also the catheter issue, the sleeping/bed issue, the vehicle issue, etc, etc. Can you tell I'm tired??

Actually, I think I'm getting the flu, or at least a cold, and so I don't think I'll be going to the hospital today.

He has had 3 outings so far--one to the museum, then another to the IMAX theatre (without me), another to a movie theatre (they saw "Walk the Line"), and we went out to dinner one night. The restaurant we went to had a fireplace and it was nice to sit in front of it and relax.
On Friday evening, they're taking a group to the Southeast Flower and Patio Show, which I've always wanted to go to, so we're both looking forward to that.



At 10:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom - I'm very sorry that it's taken so long to read the blog / to come out to visit / etc.

I'm reading the entries and catching up and I believe a group of us will be out to visit you this week.

We think about you a lot.

Candice Groves & the GBS team...

At 4:49 PM, Blogger Etrangère said...

I'm glad I finally realized Jo's name is lit up when she posts and yeah, clicked on it and found this...I'm really glad things are improving...I've been praying for you and I've been wondering what's going on...Jo's been really busy and I keep trying to get ahold of her but we haven't quite met up yet.

Bon courage!!!

At 8:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just thought I'd comment here. I'm sure there is just so much to have to consider before Tom comes home. It's great that he and you have been able to go out and enjoy yourselves and get away from all the trial of therapy and such. You're in my thoughts and prayers always. I'm sorry that things are not going as well as you would want with the arm strength and such. Will more therapy help that along? I guess it's hard to do more when it's painful to do any. Just know that I love you and think about you guys often.

Love Marge


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