Monday, March 27, 2006

Relief at last!!

Well folks, I have to thank all of you for your prayers. We have finally had a meaningful explanation from Tom's doctor about what the tightness in his chest is about, and what to do about it.

I will go into the explanation at another time because my computer hook-up is not working and I'm using a hospital computer.

We are thrilled to let you all know that the doctor has prescribed 2 new "designer drugs" that have been just about miraculous in how well they work to get rid of the chest tightness. As soon as he started taking them, which was last Thursday, he noticed immediate improvement. We have gotten 4 nights in a row of decent night's sleep, and we feel so much better. Tom looks and feels much better, and we were able to go to church for the first time since December.

We are sure the nausea, headache and vomiting last week-end were side effects from the spinal tap, probably a slow seepage of spinal fluid, which is why it showed up several days after the test. That has cleared up now and the urinary tract infection seems to be under control.

We are so thankful for all of your prayers on our behalf. And with all the drugs he's having to take, we are thankful that Tom's condition is responding to this medication so well. We are excited to face a new week with Tom feeling pretty makes doing the grueling therapy much more tolerable.

I'll try to keep you posted better, but the internet connection at the apartment where we stay keeps going out.



At 12:29 PM, Blogger Etrangère said...

wonderful! I'm glad you're finally getting a break!

At 8:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love you guys and glad things are improving. Yes we will keep praying.

The Mellards

At 11:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Checking in on you guys... rejoicing with the good news!!! Nothing helps like a good night's sleep. We are praying for you guys...
Don, Cindy
Trevor, & Mallory

At 8:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so glad that Uncle Tom is feeling better! I think of you often and will keep praying.....
Debbie & Family

At 4:56 AM, Blogger Etrangère said...

(by the way...if you go to settings on your blog and go to comments and click yes option on word verification, it will stop people posting spam comments.) Hope everything is still looking up.


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